Living Out Loud in the New Year
Sometimes I feel totally and incomprehensibly alone. Even when surrounded by family and loved ones. And let's remember, there are family members that I do not love, but they are family by marriage so they fall under the category of loved ones by default. I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder in October of 2020. This was around the time that I started playing around moderating my alcohol consumption. I had quit drinking a few times since July, enough to know that I love life so much more without alcohol but still held onto the idea that maybe I could moderate. I am happy to say that I felt like shit for the two months I tried. Phew, at least I was able to put that idea to rest. So back to this loneliness. The thing I struggle with is not knowing if the loneliness is because of depression or if it is because I am a proud non-drinker surrounded by drinkers. And if it is caused by depression, should I pop a pill and ...